Mount Kailash Trek -15 Days

Difficulty : Moderate to Adventurous with touch of high altitude

Trip Overview

Mt. Kailash at 6,714 m / 22,028 ft high, wholly within Tibet an amazing mountain of beauty and grace, with four great cardinal faces, eastern face is believed to be crystal, the western ruby, the southern sapphire and the northern gold. Tour of Mt. Kailash & Manasarover Lake leads you to holiest of all holy spots for Hindu-Buddhist-Jain and Bon religions, truly an amazing place on this planet located South Western Tibet regarded as world highest and largest plateau. Tour of Mt. Kailash & Manasarover Lake, an adventure of a lifetime experience traveling into remote and far flung corners of Tibetan windswept country, offers fascinating scenery during the drive to our sacred and amazing destination around Mt. Kailash. Starting from the capital city of Nepal in Kathmandu where drive leads towards high road to reach at Rasuwa district around Langtang Himal areas and towards Nepal / Tibet –China borders at Kyirong (a newly opened frontier for foreign travelers).

On drive staying overnights in local guesthouse and lodge with an opportunity to observe local colorful culture and traditional life of Tibetans which they have preserved since past hundreds of centuries.
Drive leads on the vast windswept country and over several scenic passes to reach at holy Manasarover Lake, with time here for offering and prayer (for Hindu-Buddhist pilgrims or Jain) and then with acclimatization days at Manasarover, journey continues on vast Barkha plain to reach past Darchen at Tarboche a holy spot of Buddhist pilgrims on the west side of Mt. Kailash.

From here walk leads on the windswept plain to Dhiraphuk a small settlement with few lodge and guest house for travelers with views of Kailash North Face, next morning a big climb to Droma-La pass which is also a sacred spot festooned with thousands of colorful Buddhist prayer flags and offering, with awesome views of surrounding terrain with Mt. Kailash at its closest.

After a rest stop heading downhill towards Zutulphuk another temporary settlement with few lodge, from here a short walk leads to an end of the Parikrama, Kora or circuit of holy Mt. Kailash.On completing our pilgrimage around Kailash heading back to Nepal on the same route with an opportunity to catch more excellent views on the way back to the border at Kyirong and towards Kathmandu, after a most mesmerizing journey of a lifetime on Tour of Mt. Kailash & Manasarover Lake.

Short Itinerary


Day 01 Reach Kathmandu via respective airlines and transfer to hotel.

On reaching Kathmandu Tribhuvan International Airport, where you will be received by our staff and guides and then transfer to your hotels, here our guide / leader will brief on Tour of Kailash & Manasarover Lake includes about hotels, lodge in Tibet with dos and don’ts includes evening group welcome dinner in a nice Nepalese restaurant with folk culture program as entertainment.

Day 02 Free day in Kathmandu (optional tour) obtaining Tibet visa and permit.

Free day in Kathmandu, one can join in for tour at places of interest with preparation for overland tour of Kailash.

Day 03 Drive to Syabrubesi 1,460 m - 07 hrs journey (145 k.m.)

Starting our marvelous journey with an overland drive towards North West of Kathmandu past farm villages and towns with grand views of snowcapped peaks and then reaching at cooler areas within Langtang Himal in Dhunche 1,900 m high, a main and headquarter town of Rasuwa district around Langtang area, populated by Tamang people the hill tribe of Nepal.

From here downhill for two hours with overnight at Syabrubesi, the door to Langtang, Ganesh and into Tamang Heritage Trail and as well to Tibet border.


Day 04 Drive to Kyirong County 3,950 m -105 k.m via Rasuwagadhi 1,800 m.

From Syabrubesi morning drive on newly built road linking Nepal / Tibet border to Rasuwagadhi (1800m / 15 km / 1 hr min from Syabrubesi), here received by our Tibetan counterpart guide and drivers, after completing immigration & custom formalities on both side of the frontier Nepal / Tibet at Rasuwagadhi, continue drive further to Kyirong county with first overnight stop in Tibet accommodation at local guest-house.

Day 05 In Kyirong rest day for acclimatization.

A necessary and important rest day for acclimatization before heading towards higher areas into Tibetan vast plateau, this village provides a perfect place with an altitude of 3,950 m as next day drive leads above 4,500 meters and much higher over passes.
At Kyirong relax and enjoy views of Ganesh and Langtang Himal that borders with Nepal and Tibet.
Kyirong is also a famous religious and historical place, home of 11th Centaury great saint and Guru Milarepa known for his tantric wisdom as well a poet and folk singer, his song are still remembered by local herdsman and villagers.

Day 06 Drive to Dongba via Saga 4,400m - 05 hrs. (Approx 275 k.m)

After pleasant rest stop at Kyirong morning drive continues on world highest and largest Tibetan plateau into inner Tibet wild and windswept country, drive after few hours joins with the road coming from Nylam / Zhangmu near Paikutsho a huge salt lakes.

From here heading over a small pass to reach Brahmaputra River or Yalung Tsangpo after crossing the river on a bridge reach at Saga town, a growing moderate size town located on route Mt. Kailash and Shigatse / Lhasa.

After Saga drive leads over a small pass to reach the other side of the valley around Dongba, drive continues on vast and broad plains reaching at desolate town of old Dongba and then heading towards at New Dongba, a growing town with many lodges and guesthouses for the comfort and overnight stop for travelers.

Day 07 Drive to east Manasarover 4,550 m via Paryang - 06 hrs. Approx 295 k.m.

From Dongba few hour drive over a pass then descending to long stretch of Tibetan plains, with great views of distant peaks. Drive passes few villages and nomads / yak herders’ camps and then reaching a windswept village at Paryang at 4,550m a village of 15-20 houses mainly serving as Guest houses and Lodge, where the facilities are very simple and basic.
From here drive continues heading over Myam-la pass of above 5,150 m to reach east of Lake Manasarover for overnight stop near Horpa town with first view of Mt. Kailash towards North West direction.


Day 08 Acclimatization and Rest Day at Manasarover.

Rest day for acclimatization with optional short walk around Manasarover, a sacred lake located between Mt. Kailash 6,714m and the Gurla Mandhata mountain range at 7,694 m.

Manasarover floats beneath the shadow of holy Kailash as the lake formed in the mind of Gods.

The best time to circle Manasarover is in late autumn and early spring when the streams and rivers flowing into the lake are low. It is then possible to walk very near the shoreline. An optional circuit or parikrama on drive trip around Manasarover Lake can be done on request which takes about 3-4 hrs of 110 k.m distance round trip.

Day 09 Drive to Tarboche via Darchen 4,600m walk to Dhiraphuk 4,900 m (12 k.m.).

After a wonderful rest at holy Lake Manasarover, a short drive to Darchen town with many hotels and guesthouses, a busy small town with pilgrims during auspicious time for parikrama / kora (circumambulation).
Darchen located South Face of Mt. Kailash where holy walk / kora start and ends, our drive leads North West at holy spot of Tarboche where walk starts with view of Mt. Kailash West Face.
Kailash (6,714m.), the heart of ancient Shangshung kingdom supposed country of pre-Buddhist Bonpo origin. After few hours walks reaching at Dhiraphuk Gompa for overnight stop in a simple and basic lodge or camping.

Day 10 Trek to Zutul-Puk 4,760 m via Dorma-la 5, 470 m. (22 k.m.)

After Dhiraphuk, morning walk on gradual path for an hour then climb to reach top at Dromo-la the highest point of the journey and a holy spot at 5,470m /18,525ft. A big boulder represents the goddess Dolma or Dromo (Tara) festooned with prayer flags. This spot is the physical and spiritual high point of pilgrimage.
From here descend to the bottoms of the hill and walk to Zutul-Puk Gompa for overnight stop, Zuthul means cave. The place is named after a cave in which the poet, saint Milarepa stayed meditating. His footprint still remains on the roof.

Day 11 Trek to near Darchen (08 k.m) and drive to Dongba via Maium-la -06 hrs.

Last day of holy walk ‘kora’ or parikrama, starts with an easy walk of 3 hours on a broad plain passing many mani walls, then coming to a narrow valley with short section of gorge as the route turns towards west to Darchen, the last leg of the walk make a dramatic exit from the river valley on to the plain, walk passes mani walls decorated with carved yak skulls.

A short walk from here brings at near Darchen with an end of this great trek, from here drive back near Maium-la around Lake Manasarover and then continue drive towards Dongba for overnight stop.

Day 12 Drive to Kyirong via Saga and camp or in local guesthouse - 07 hrs.

A long drive today to reach at Kyirong via Saga town, retracing journey on the same route for 6-7 hours of overland drive to Saga and then continue drive to reach the frontier town of Tibet-China and Nepal at Kyirong for last overnight stop in Tibet.

Day 13 Drive to Dhunche town 1,900 m - 05 hrs.

Farewell to our Tibetan guides and drivers as morning starts leaving Tibet with short drive to the border post of Nepal and Tibet / China at Rasuwa-Gadhi, here on completing visa and custom formalities then enter into Nepal border at Rasuwa Gadhi, here again following and completing immigration forms and continue drive on rough dirt road for a while to reach at Syabrubesi village, after a short refreshing break journey continues on winding uphill to reach at Dhunche town for overnight stop.

Day 14 Drive back to Kathmandu and transfer to hotel - 05 hrs.

After a great adventure in Tibet around Kailash back into green vegetation and tall trees, catch the views of Ganesh and Langtang Himal, as morning drive leads downhill reaching around warmer areas of rice fields and terraces past Ramche, Manibhajyang and Trisuli Bazaar.

From Trisuli Bazaar few hour drives brings you back at Kathmandu, then check into your hotels.

Day 15 International departure for homeward bound.

Your last day in amazing Nepal as per your schedule international flight time our staff transfer you to Kathmandu airport for your flight homeward, after a wonderful adventure tour of Mt. Kailash.


  • Arrival & Departure Transport By private Car/Van/Bus.
  • Three meals a day during the Trekking (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
  • Emergence of helicopter rescue (pay by your insurance)
  • All needed Government fees.
  • Three nights' Accommodation in Kathmandu with bed- and- breakfast basis, (If you like to have standard Hotel accommodation please do let us know).
  • International Airfare.
  • Food in Kathmandu(City) lunch and dinner.
  • Tips for Guide and Porters
  • Extra night accommodation in Kathmandu (late departure or early arrival from the mountains.
  • Donation Items of personal expenses like hot shower, battery charge, telephone etc.

Map & Elevation




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